Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 10

Slagelse and Frederiksberg Søstre in front of the Little Mermaid.

S Morse, S Olsson, S Guesne, S Taylor, S Redd

Kære Alle Sammen,

Another whirlwind week. My mom died. Not like that! My mission mom (trainer), Søster Ronstrom. I'm currently being raised (trained) by another of her daughters, Søster Olsson. She's been on her mission for 8 months, and this is her first time training. Not just me either. We have a new greenie in Frederiksberg! Søster Guesne (pronounced like Guinnea) is French, but has lived in Scotland most of her life. It's really interesting being in a tri-panionship at the best of times, but it's especially an adventure when have two greenies and the only one who has served in the area at all has only been here two months. It has really made me realize how far I've come thought in those two months though. On Saturday we met a new investigator for the first time and taught the first lesson, and I somehow ended up teaching the majority of it. We teach in unity, of course, and we all have the same lesson plan and scriptures going in, but there are times when one companion takes the leads in certain lessons, but another does most of the talking in the next. It's all as is lead by the Spirit. I've been really focusing on the Apostasy and Restoration lately in studies though, and that definitely helped. I cannot fully explain the importance of personal study. That little bit of time in the morning is a hinge for the rest of the day. It can either swing open and let the Spirit in, or not. I wish I'd understood that better before my mission. It's more effective in the morning as well, honestly, whether you're a morning person or not.

Actually, I'd like to try an experiment. In addition to morning prayers on the way out the door, would everyone back home try to add just five minutes of study from the Book of Mormon (if you'd like, you can count it for the five minutes I asked for with the Family Mission Plan), and let me know how it goes for the next week? Really, five minutes is not that long. And you needn't start with "I, Nefi" ... That's not right. That's Danish. What is it in English? LDS.org says Nephi. That looks right. Sorry. I'm forgetting all the English scriptures! Oh no! Anyway, instead of reading chronologically, would you instead try taking turns picking favorite chapters to read and discuss, or choose a certain topic and study that? 2 Nefi 29, 31, and 32. Alma 18, 26, and 34 are great. 3 Nefi 11 and any of the following chapters. Moroni 7 and 10. Those are just a few of my favorite chapters. You can pick what you want. The hope is that I can use this as a trial example for when we present more Family Mission Plans to the members in our ward. I think it will also help as a family though. I'm curious to see what Andrew and Matthew make of it. 

Oh goodness. Even my e-mails. As missionaries we're supposed to follow a pattern. 1. Teach. 2. Testify. 3. Commit. Sorry I just did that with you all too.

We found a new investigator! His name is M and he's from Iran. It's actually an interesting story. He was contacted by Søster Ronstrom and Søster Johnson on splits here in Frederiksberg, but he told them he was "busy" and walked past. Something in him kept dwelling on it though, and he was so thrilled when he met Søster Taylor and me a few blocks later. He stopped us and had lots of questions, so we ended up teaching a summary of the first lesson in the street. He said he was having a difficult time understanding it all, but was interested in coming to our church. He wouldn't give us his number, so we just gave him the address on the pass along card. That was the last we'd heard from him until he called Søster Olsson to set up an appointment. We couldn't understand his name over the phone, and I didn't recognize him until he walked up to the church. He believes in God, but wants to try to define what that really means. He was fascinated as we taught the first lesson in more depth, and says it all makes perfect sense. He's never been part of a religion that allows (let alone encourages) people to ask God to find the truth of it for themselves. He didn't have a solid enough schedule with school to set up a return appointment, but he really does want to meet with us. 

It was sad sending Søster Ronstrom off, but I did get a rich inheritance. She's made a continuing mission plan for when she gets home though, and even grabbed a few Family Mission Plans for her family and friends. It's proof that although you might not wear a name tag, anyone can be a missionary. At all times, in all things, and in all places.

Jeg elsker jer!
Søster Morse

Mom - Happy Birthday! I'll be sending you a separate e-mail. Would you send my e-mails to Søster Ronstrom now too? Her address is mikaela.ronstrom@gmail.com.

Dad - How's the family? Sorry, I'm e-mailing earlier than normal so I don't think I've gotten the family e-mail yet. Søster Olsson prefers e-mailing in the morning, so that's the new schedule from now on. 

Cheryl - How are you liking being over the history courses now? That's got to be so much fun. The closest I get to studying history anymore is scriptural accounts and Talmage's "The Great Apostasy". I love the time to focus, but I miss my good ol' worldly studies too.

Greg - Fired up the pizza grill yet? Weird, but a popular pizza topping in Denmark is potatoes. Yes. Potato pizza. They're crazy, I know, but it's not half bad. They boil them and cut them in little coin sizes, then set them on like pepperonis and bake the pizza. I've also seen them battered and baked, so pretty much french fries on pizza. It's good with tomatoes and pesto and sausage.

William - How's life in Mapleton?

Katie - Psych season finale. I heard Henry was shot. Tell me everything. And thank you for the lyrics! I love love love love love them! I think I've been singing around the house all week. It actually helped Søster Ronstrom come to terms with leaving when she realized how much good music is out right now.

Grammy and Grandpa Morse - I did receive your package, and I'll be posting a letter to you asap. We don't actually have a mailbox at our apartment, so most packages go through the mission office and then the central post office before they get to us. We're working on sorting that out though, and the mission office has agreed to hold all of our mail until then. We live close by, so we just pick it up when we go to get more Books of Mormon.

Grandma and Grandpa Walker - I got a letter from you too! Yay! I feel very loved. I'll write you back and mail it as soon as I can. It's great to hear from the family, and ... Enough of that. I'll write it all in my letter.

Supreme Mugwump - I sent you one of the best articles in the world. You'll appreciate it. It's a legend in our Zone and I was finally able to copy it for you. Oh, and Søster Olsson is a Gryffindor and Søster Guesne is a total Ravenclaw. "Thought you ought to know." Oh my giddy aunt Francis. I thought I saw something on the train about JK Rowling and a new book, but since she was signing copies of the book 7 I assumed it was a re-release of some other books because Bronte didn't mention a new book when she told me about Pottermore. Turns out, she's written a new book! You probably have already heard from your family, but if not, I'll fill you in on what Søster Ronstrom sent me. She e-mailed me with updates on the Potter world and Deviantart. I love that girl. ... Did I say I love her? Not true. She's my new hero. She also sent a screencap of the Pottermore home page!!! I'll just forward the e-mail on. You've got to see it!

Søster Ronstrom - Ja, du vil altid være Søster Ronstrom, selvom du er ikke en missionær. Det er helt vildt at du gik til dansen! Jeg prover at skrive til dig på dansk, men jeg ved ikke hvordan det vil virkelig virke ... Det glæder mig at du kan være dette lys til dine venner og menighed nu. Som mange har sagt, Sverige har bruge for kvinder som dig. Tusind tak for billederne og Pottermore og Rowlings nye bog! Jeg kunne ikke være mere spændt! Hmm ... måske hvis den var en Harry Potter bog, men det er den eneste årsag jeg kan tænke på at være mere spændt. Er det mærkeligt at tale svensk? Hvordan er det at være "normal"? Du vil aldrig virkelig være normal, det ved jeg godt, men mere normal? Søster Olsson, Søster Guesne, og jeg har det fint. Ikke nogle bekymringer her! Held og lykke med din kæreste!

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